
  • Pledge of Allegiance  --  Mike Carroll
  • Words of Inspiration -- Curt Sharp
  • Introduction of guests
  • Announcement by the President
  • Announcements by the Director, Committee Chair and by the members
    • HRYF - Richard Cunningham
    • Veterans Project -- Virginia Juettner
  • Anniversaries
  • Happy Dollars
  • Guest Speaker -- Doug Adams, Assistant Governor
  • 4-Way Test -- Sandra Wagner-Wright
The recorded meeting:

Pledge of Allegiance -- Led by Mike Carroll

Inspiration -- Curt Sharp


Introduction of Guests

Our guest today was Doug Adams, Assistant Governor and Guest Speaker.

Announcements by the President

The notes of the last club meeting has been posted on the ClubRunner.

  • The notes from the September 30 RCHB meeting can be found here:  
    And the video of the meeting can be found here:
    ** Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Your unlisted videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They won't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds your unlisted video to a public playlist. Public videos can be seen by anyone at YouTube. They can also be shared with anyone using YouTube. They're posted on your channel when you upload them and show up in search results and related video lists.

Volunteers needed!

Next weeks meeting:
  • Pledge of Allegiance:  Marlene W.
  • Inspiration:  Mike C.
  • Birthday Song:  Mary B.
  • 4-Way Test:  Yu Yok P.

 Upcoming Meetings

  • Wednesday, October 14 -- Guest Speaker is Kalika Kastein, Peace Fellow.  Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
  • Wednesday, October 21 -- Vocational Day and our Guest Speaker is Misa , new member.  Meeting starts at 7:00 am.
  • Wednesday, October 21 -- Board meeting immediately following the club meeting.  Meeting will end at 9:00 am.  Please submit reports prior to the meeting.
  • Thursday, October 22 -- Club Social, TBD.  James T. will send out an invitation.
  • Wednesday, October 28 -- Celebrating World Polio Day.  Since Africa has been declared Polio free, Richard Cunningham will share the beautiful sites from his vacation in Africa.

Other Rotary Meetings and Invitations

Email blasts this past week.

District Happenings

A series of D5000 Rotary webinars is available for your viewing, either live or recorded.  You can also find ton of webinars in the Learning Center at
D5000 Webinar Recordings:
Business Assistance webinar recording:

Mark Your Calendars

District Conference 2021

  • Will be held for the first time in Hilo commemorating 100 years of Rotary on Big Island at Grand Naniloa Hotel on May 14, 15 and 16, 2021.

Future Rotary International Conventions

  • Taipei: June 12-16, 2021
  • Houston: June 4-8, 2022



Announcements, Director / Committee Chair report

HRYF - Richard Cunningham

Richard has received receipts for $998 in donations for HRYF.  

Other Chair Announcements

Volunteer opportunity  - Continuing through November.  -- Junichi Noumaru

State Department of Health and UH Nursing request Rotarians to help for the face mask observation. The purposes of this project are (1) to monitor ongoing use of face masks/coverings by the public in Hawaii and (2) to track social norm change in regard to mask wearing over time. A pair of volunteers will count the number of people who (a) wear the mask correctly, (b) wear the mask in correctly and (c) don't wear the mask at a designated location (Prince Kuhio Plaza, Keaukaha Beach Park (Start at parking lot), Liliuokalani Park or Airport post office) from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturdays until November 28. Instructions include the counting device and how to report the counts are available on YouTube:
The sign-up sheet is also available online.
If you have any question, please contact Dr. Glauberman (

Veteran's Project -- Virginia Juettner

Is requesting donations to go towards the purchase of electronics (tablet/iPad -- still TBD) for residents of the Veteran's home so they can talk with family and friends, since they are in complete lockdown.  Tim Young has donated a large box of books for the project, Miyuki Lee is willing to accept donations at her staff at the Kinoole Farmer's Market on Saturdays, Lorraine received a donation of 70 large puzzle books and her preschool has made laminated cards for the residents.  Hirona and Miyuki are planning to donate orchids.

District Silent Auction  -- Mary Begier

There will be a District silent action from October 16-26.  Mary is requesting that we find items to put into the silent auction to support fundraising for our club.  All of our donation proceeds will come back to the club.  Lorraine will send out form to RCHB members to fill out and support the club.  RCHB has volunteered to serve as the bank to comply with the liquor commission.  When the link opens, we are asked to disperse to everyone we know.


Anniversaries between October 1 and October 7, 2020


Wedding Anniversary 

Ken Barnes (Ryoko)  October 7  Happy Anniversary!

Club Anniversary 


Birthday -- Birthday Song led by Steve Jacunski

Sandra Sakaguchi -- October 1  Happy Birthday!



Happy Dollars

Keep your happy dollar donation in an envelope and bring it to the next in-person meeting. You may contact Deborah Beaver to make a payment with your credit card or mail your check to the club. Thank you.
In addition, you may now pay from our new online payment system: 

Yu Yok P. was $50 happy.  Her program at Imiloa just wound down from the first session and they are gearing up for the 2nd session.  The first session was a big success and she is amazed at the kids and the teachers.  She recognized Geoli for her company's contribution of water during their second session.

Sharon S. is $5 happy because Mika is loving the Imiloa program.  She is another $5 happy because in lieu of a cruise, she "travelled" to various locations of the world to get her refrigerator fixed.  After 6 weeks, her refrigerator is fixed.

Mary B. is $30 happy.  $20 for the two amazing Hawaii Island women who won the Nobel Peace Prize and $10 for another refrigerator story.

Virginia and Bob J. are $10 happy that they can join our Rotary meeting every week and contributed to their well-being and sanity.

Tim is $2.25 happy because Bob J. agreed to map out the locations of the Peace Poles around the Big Island with the idea that there will be a brochure allowing folks to have a Peace Pole Pilgrammage.

Ken B. is $20 happy.  $13 for 13 years of happy marriage and $7 for the return of his wife and daughter from Japan.

Tom W. is $10 happy.  $5 to compliment Yu Yok on her new hairdo and $5 for catching his first trout.  Tom is in Montana.

Doug A. is $50 happy.  10 years ago today, he began his cycling journey across the US.  He acknowledged Richard C. for his contributions to HRYF, our work on the Veteran's project, Mary B. for her contribution to the District auction, Tim H. for his work with RYLA and Yu Yok for her Imiloa programs.

Thank you all for your generous contributions!

Guest Speaker -- Doug Adams -- Assistant Governor

For more information on the items that will be on the ballots coming out shortly, please go to


Next Meeting

  • The next club meeting will be Wednesday, October 14 from 7 a.m. via Zoom.  Speaker is Kalika Kastein, a peace fellow.


The Four Way Test  -- Sandra Wagner-Wright